Here are two ideas to make the most of what your kids are looking at.
1. Hallway Wallpaper: Recently I pulled out some maps of the continents that I had hanging in my classroom when I taught 6th grade. Isaac loves maps so I thought it would be fun to hang them in our home...the problem was finding a space.
And then the idea came, how about the hallway? We go through it all the time and it had lots of open space at the eye level of a 3 year old. Perfect. We're not having formal geography lessons at our house, but by seeing and studying (he sometimes sits in front of the maps to look at them) these maps of the world, Isaac is gaining an understanding of the spacial relationships, the wonder of the world, and so much more!
This is Isaac's expression after finding where we live on the map!
If you don't have a map to hang up, check with a local tourism office. They often have maps of the state, region, or city you live in for free.
2. The Power of Cereal Boxes: A few months ago my sister-in-law, Tatiana, who is raising her girls speaking English and Spanish posted this idea on her blog, Wanna Jugar with Migo? If your child is anything like mine, they probably love to stare at the cereal boxes while eating breakfast. Isaac even likes to make a wall around himself and his bowl at the table with the cereal boxes!
So why not cover the cereal boxes with something engaging and educational? It doesn't have to be time consuming to create, Tatiana shares some fun ideas here. And you can leave the boxes covered for a week or two, or until the cereal is all gone!

(Photo from Wanna Jugar with Migo?)