I loved the idea of a color wheel. It's a simple circle of paper divided into section. Each section has a color on it. One way to use it is for a color hunt. The child must find something of each color and place it on (or next to if it's too big) the corresponding section of the circle.
We had so much fun with the color wheel that I had to make two others.
One is a shape wheel. Each section of this circle features a shape. We went on a shape hunt, which was trickier than a color hunt, and found objects in our house of each shape.
The other learning wheel has just four sections: hair, wheels, smooth and bumpy. For this one we searched for some object that had one of those characteristics. A doll or stuffed animal for hair, a car for wheels, etc. Since my son can't read yet I drew pictures to help him out.
These learning wheels are so fun for playing "hunting games"!
Do you have any ideas for other learning wheels?