Friday, March 18, 2011

I Spy Quilt Book

This quilted I Spy Book has been a fun project, one that I haven't stressed over, and one that we will be able to enjoy for years to come! (Please ignore the very wrinkly book! Needless to say, I didn't iron it!)

This is a traveling book to use for I Spy games. Hidden in the pages are images (some in the print of the fabric, others that I stamped in using rubber stamps and a permanent marker).

For my 3 year old we take turns looking for something and saying, "I spy with my little eye, something..." and then letting the other person find it. Eventually I'd like to make cards that list things to look for in the book, but this is working for us now.

The idea started a few years ago when a friend of mine used a set of I Spy Quilt squares to make a book for her son. Fast forward a few years and I was given a rather hodge podge collection of fabric scraps and decided to make a book for my children.

I really didn't follow any pattern, and there are many things that could have been done better, but over all I am pleased with the outcome.
Here are the basic guidelines for an I Spy Quilt Book:
-The more fabrics you have the better! Ask for scraps from friends or relatives who quilt or sew.
-I cut 3.75 x 3.75 inch squares, but any size you choose will work.
-The fabrics need designs, I used rubber stamps to add extra things to look for into the pages.
-I used thin cotton batting between pages, but you could also use Pellon or felt to give the pages a little stiffness.

Here's the pocket to hold the cards I'll make someday!