Happy December! We woke up to our first snowfall of the season, and to celebrate made a popcorn snowflake. My son loves popcorn and has been asking for a popcorn craft, so here it is.
Here's what you'll need:
-popped popcorn
-glue (we used Elmers)
-tag board of cardboard
-white paint (optional)
1. First cut out a snowflake shape. Mine looked like this:

2. If you use cardboard, you may want to paint it white. You can skip this step by cutting your snowflake out of white tag board.

3. While the paint is drying, pop your popcorn!

4. I put black dots with a
permanent marker so that my son would know where to put drops of glue. You can skip this step for older kids.

5. Put drops of glue on each black dot:

6. Put a piece of popcorn on each glue dot:

7. Let the snowflake dry and eat some popcorn. You deserve a break after all that work! :)

8. Once the snowflake is dry, hang it up (we used dental floss). We hung our in the window. If you look closely you can see snow covering the grass (but luckily, not sticking to the roads yet!)