Lately we've been having a bit more of a struggle with getting our two year old to go to bed. We decided to make a poster of his going to bed routine, and he loved it! We took pictures of him doing all the stages of the getting-ready-for-bed routine, from putting on PJs to reading books and saying good night prayers. We printed them out and then let the little one help put them in order and decorate the poster. He quite enjoys pointing himself out in all of the pictures. I'm not sure if it was the poster or just sticking to our routine, but the past few nights have been better, so let's hope we've turned a leaf in the going to bed chronicles!

We've hung it on the fridge, but you could easily take this idea and make it into a book, or use another routine, such as getting up and ready in the morning. Whatever you decide, I'm sure your little one will love it. What child doesn't love to see themselves as the star of a poster or book!