Friday, June 10, 2011

A Summer to Simplify

Lately I've been feeling that a million things are vying for my attention.  Some are just distractions, some are good, some better, and some so important I can't ignore them.  Blogging is sliding lower on my list of priorities...and I'm okay with that.

At the library yesterday my son picked out a book called The Barefooted, Bad-Tempered, Baby Brigade by Deborah Diesen.  We read the silly story of a group of babies who march on the town hall to declare that they won't eat mashed peas, wash their faces, smile for pictures, or sit in strollers.  We were laughing at the thought of babies going on strike, but then the last page of the book grabbed my attention and turned it to the real message of the book:
"We know we're a bad-tempered baby brigade, but we won't be bad-tempered--nor babies--for long."
So in an effort to enjoy my babies while they still fit in my lap, I'll be blogging less this summer. 

I hope you enjoy splashing in the swimming pool, swinging at the park and slurping popsicles with your little ones!  (I know we will!)