Monday, November 29, 2010

Good Deeds Manger for Baby Jesus

A family tradition from my childhood took place during the month before Christmas as we tried to fill a manger with "good deed" straw so that it would be soft for Baby Jesus. Each piece of yarn for the manger was earned by doing some act of service for another person.

This year I wanted to involve my two year old in this tradition, so we made a manger for Baby Jesus out of a toilet paper roll tube. We only started this last night, but already he is eager to help and serve. First thing this morning he was sharing Gerber Puffs with his little sister, something that doesn't always happen at our house!

To make a Good Deeds Manger, here's what you'll need:
-toilet paper roll tube
-yarn, string, or real straw
-glue or tape (I used a hot glue gun)
1. Cut the toilet paper tube in half:

2. Cut off about 1 inch of one half of the tube:

3. Use the middle sized piece, cut it to look like an I. This will be the base of the manger:
4. Tape or glue the two pieces together:
5. Cut your yarn/string/straw to fit roughly in the manger. I looped it around my hand so that I could cut lots at the same time. You'll want a good pile, each piece will represent a good deed, and you want Baby Jesus to have a very soft bed!
6. Explain to your little one that with every good deed done, he or she will get to place a straw into the manger. Our service to others is our gift to the Savior. On Christmas eve, place Baby Jesus in the manger. (I may make a Baby Jesus, and if I do I'll post about it, or I may just use the Jesus from our ceramic nativity.)